Welcome to the website for Wolt courier partners in Estonia!

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Wolt opening times

About Wolt 💙

Wolt is a technology platform that brings together customers, local businesses and courier partners, which are looking for flexible ways to generate additional income.

As a Wolt courier partner, you have the opportunity to deliver orders to customers from local restaurants and shops - in the evenings, for a few hours during lunch or at any other time of your choice - and thus earn additional income. 🍕🍔🥟

Need help?

First try to find an answer to your question from this website - there is a high chance that what you are looking for is already here. If you do not find the answer you are looking for, reach out to us. There are 3 ways to do that:

Support chat

Support chat is a quick way to get help as they answer within a minute. During busy times, the answer can take longer, because you are answered by real people, not robots. But don't worry, you will always be answered.

Support will help you as much and as quickly as they can and it is best practice to write to them in case you have any issues or questions regarding ongoing orders.

That means, you can ask support’s help with things such as:

  • Not finding the location of the customer or restaurant

  • Not being able to reach the customer

  • Changing your phone number and email address

  • Compensations

  • Accidents (damaged food, traffic accidents)

  • Issues with orders

There is more to the list, but those were just the main examples. When contacting support, please be very precise about your issue and give as much detail as possible.

Calling support

Support can be contacted via phone call as well. Please note that the calls are meant only for emergencies. If you call support, please state your name as your contact information might not be saved.

Support can call you as well. That means that there might be an urgent issue. Please answer the call as soon as possible, as the issue could be time-sensitive.

Courier team

The only way to reach out to the courier team is via our email partnersestonia@wolt.com. Please use the same email address which you have linked to your courier profile. You can check it from the app by clicking on the three stripes in the upper-left corner and then clicking on your name.

Contact the courier team in case you have questions about your contract or you want to change it, want to give us feedback, change your bank account or have any payment-related questions.

The courier team will usually answer within 5 working days.